Travel Declaration Form

Health & Travel Declaration Form

This form is to ensure the safety of all our customers and staff at Thomas D'esthetique.
Thank you for co-operating.

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

If you are not fully vaccinated, or has answer yes to the next two questions, we need to inform you that your appointment has automatically been cancelled.

We strongly encourage you to practice self-isolation for at least 14 days after your date of arrival.

According to MOH, if you have recently travelled overseas, and are feeling unwell with a fever, or respiratory symptoms (such as cough, runny nose), please seek medical attention promptly. You can go to any of the Public Health Preparedness Clinics (PHPCs), as well as polyclinics. You may look for a PHPC near you at

Let's work together to flatten the curve and keep our community safe during this period.

Thomas D'esthetique
Business Registration: 48558300C